New release date for The Storybook Pub!

Join us at The Storybook Pub on April 1!


Join us at the Storybook Pub for love, romance, and fantasy! A contemporary romance collection featuring 21 Fabulous Stories by 21 Talented Authors of Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy, Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense, Second Chance Romance, Shifters–Sweet to Heatโ€ฆ
It’s all included in this anthology based on an Irish Pub that seems to make wishes come true.

Add it to your Goodreads TBR now




#storybookpub #wishescometrue #doyoubelieveinmagic
#booksinapub #romancewritersgonewild


Join Me at the Storybook Pub

I’m one of 21 authors who have come together to produce an anthology featuring the Storybook Pub, look for cover reveal and live author sighting beginning March 17 on Facebook! There will be tons of giveaways, parties and events!

Annabel’s store is coming soon!

You guys! I work with two amazing PAs and one of them happens to be a talented artist as well! She makes lovely items out of hand-dyed resin that will make you smile! Look for her store coming soon, and look for lots of Annabel’s lovelies on my giveaways as we gear up to celebrate the new release!

New events!

The Series Blitz is on now! Thanks to all who are participating and there is still time to be a part of the New Release Blitz!!

Please check out the link above to sign up for one (or more!) of the events we’ve got scheduled leading up to the release of the third book! If you have a book related site, bookstagram, facebook page or group, these might be right up your alley! I’ll keep that tab updated with all things bookish, the more the merrier!


Hello and welcome! I’m Halo Roberts, author of steamy rom-coms, and I’m glad you’re here! I’m currently spending most of my time writing like a maniac as I wrap up Finding My Safe, third book in The Finding series. ARC signups are open, including an option to receive all three books to review! If you sign up for all three, you’ll receive the first two right away and the third mid-January.