Have you met Annabel?

Many of you have had a chance to chat with Annabel, my lovely PA. What only a few of you have figured out is that she is also my oldest daughter. In between being a newlywed and grad student, she finds time to organize my authoring chaos.πŸ’•

She’s also an avid reader of many genres, especially romance of course. With that being said, expect reviews of all genres, provided by Annabel, to pop-up in the Halo feed every now and again! πŸ“š

✨ Exit West by Mohsin Hamid ✨

A phenomenal story of two young people who fall in love right as their village is being taken over by war, Exit West had me hooked from the start. Given the option to escape through a magical black door, Nadia and Saeed must decide if they can leave behind their families and all they’ve ever known for an uncertain future together. When you read this novel, be prepared to be gripped by Mohsin Hamid’s writing style as you follow the tale of two characters who have the option to fall in love, or fall apart.